End Time Bible Study – Chapter 3 – The Antichrist

The term Antichrist means one who denies or opposes Christ: specifically: a great antagonist expected to fill the world with wickedness. Using that definition there have been many Antichrists in the world throughout history.

End Time Bible Study – Chapter 2 – What Jesus Said

In the last lesson, we talked about what Prophecy said about the first and second coming of Christ. In this lesson, we will look at what Jesus himself said about the second coming. Jesus talked more about the kingdom and His second coming than any other topic.

End Times Bible Study – Chapter 1 – Prophecy of Jesus

God made the first prophecy in the Garden when He said Satan would bruise Jesus’ heel, but He would bruise his head. Satan did bruise His heel on the cross, but Jesus will completely destroy Satan and his minions at the Battle of Armageddon.

End Times Bible Study – Overview

Prologue This End Times Bible Study will cover and compare the scriptures throughout the Bible that deal with the last days. The goal of this study is to take what is considered too complicated to understand, break it down, and lay it out in a way that makes it easy to comprehend. Jesus wanted us […]

Bible Discoveries Ignored by the News

Many discoveries have been made within the last 100 years that prove the Bible is fact and not fiction. The dedicated researcher can find these hidden gems on the Internet, but the average person will never even know they exist. The news ignores them, and the Christians seem to ignore them. There’s no way I can list everything in this blog, but I hope to give you enough information to be an encouragement to research for yourself.

How to use Strong’s in OliveTree

These days we have all the tools we need to study like Hebrew and Greek scholars, at our fingertips. There are free Bible apps on the market that include Strong’s Tagged Bible. OliveTree is my favorite app, I use it on my phone, computers, and my tablets.

Jesus or Yeshua?

This is not a copout, but both are correct. Yeshua is His Hebrew name, and it means Yehovah to deliver, save, or rescue. Jesus is His English name.

Study of Romans – Part 1

The Book The Apostle Paul is the author of the Epistle or Letter to the Romans. Paul was planning a trip to Rome and this letter was meant as an introduction to the Gentile church. This book was written around 57 A.D. and is considered the longest and the most complex of his letters. The […]